Gun Violence 2021/2022 Reflection

Story by Presley Frank, Illustration by Mallika Sunder

Every year, the new year is used as a time to reflect on yourself and make resolutions for your future self. It's an important part of growth for yourself, but what about social justice reflections and resolutions? Reflecting on issues in your communities, life, and world around you is another important part of self growth. This year I took time to research many different issues and topics, as well as watch them develop and change. A topic that has always been something I am very passionate about is gun violence.

As much as this issue is talked about, it doesn’t get nearly enough attention that it deserves. Hundreds of mass shootings occurred in 2021, many that didn’t even get any social media or television attention. However, the issue of gun violence isn’t recent. It has been an issue that has been affecting thousands of people’s lives. Gun violence affects young people, people of color, and lower-income people at a disproportionate rate. It is considered to be a “serious public health issue”, and although there have been gun control laws set in place, they have never had a big enough effect that  is necessary for creating big change. Continuously ignoring the issue will only further worsen it and make our world unsafe. The issue of gun safety is far too dismissed and this needs to change.

In this new year I hope to see change in this issue to make our schools, communities and overall world a safer place to live. Although I can’t make any predictions of change in gun violence, I can hope for change. If more gun safety laws are not enforced in the near future, gun violence will continue to occur and take lives. As much as it is talked about, the real impact comes from taking action. The more gun violence continues to go unnoticed, the more unsafe our world becomes. In the New Year I will continue to learn more and find ways to take action on gun violence and I urge you to do your part as well in creating a safer world for ourselves and everyone around us.




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